Do you use a shabbat hot plate?

We treat hundreds of children in the various ERs due to multiple burnes from pots slipping off shabbat hot plates

Here is an innovative patent to prevent the next injury !


A safety frame for the Shabbat hot plate, effectively prevents pots from slipping and spilling.  The product is available in 3 sizes to accommodate 2 to 6 pots. The frame’s special design allows for expansion of the plate’s surface area to accommodate extra pots. Magana has been co- designed with a safety engineer and industrial designers.

Suitable for shabbat hot plate users

The pots are fenced and there is no danger of pots slipping

Safe for children, adults and the elderly


Data from the website of the Israel Ministry of Health

Conclusion: It is essential to maintain a safe environment to avoid burns

Advantages of MAgena for a safe home

Accidents are a common occurrence. Statistics reveal that many of them happen at home. Managing your home wisely involves taking steps to prevent accidents. I have unfortunately, witnessed burns and injures caused by the Shabbat hot plate.

All types of plates on the market today are without a "limiting frame", so the risk of the pots slipping and falling is high.

About the entrepreneur

My name is Miri Amoiev. I am a professional nurse with over 25 years experience and an entrepreneur at heart. My resume includes : BA in nursing , MA in health system management , Nurse Specialist in public health and geriatrics , Supervisor of student's health services in the Jerusalem district on behalf of the Ministry of Health , and Supervisor nurse of  geriatrics –  Ministry of Health. Today, I am a personal development coach and a senior reflexologist.

My vision is to contribute in eliminating unnecessary home accidents.In the course of my professional work, I've encountered many children and adults inflected by burns or injuries due to accidents caused by improper use of hot plates. (Shabbat plate).
MAgena shield is my innovation to put an end  to the hot plate  unnecessary burns.


Contat us for Purchase MAgena

contact : 0556827532 , Jerusalem

Cancellation of the transaction in accordance with the Consumer Protection Regulations (cancellation of a transaction), 2010-5771 and the Consumer Protection Law, 5571-1981

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